Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Critical Attributes of Bullying

Critical Attributes of Bullying

In this post we are going to discuss the critical attributes of bullying and how bullying can be categorized as informational knowledge and procedural knowledge.

critical attributes
critical attributes are the focus on transmitting the procedural knowledge of identifying the essential element of the concept be discuss.

Critical attributes of the topic of bullying
  • Bullying-consists of three basic types of abuse- emotional, verbal, and physical.It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation.

  • Bully- A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people

  • Cyber bullying- is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner

  • Suicide- is the act of intentionally ending one's own life

  • Anti-bullying- is being against bullying and doing something to stop it
Informational knowledge
Informational knowledge is knowing about the facts and concept of bullying

Informational knowledge of Bullying

  • Nearly one in five students in an average classroom is experiencing bullying in some way. The rest of the students, called bystanders, are also affected by the bullying

  • There are anti-bully laws in Massachusetts intended to protect people from bullying and punish bullies.

  • The best way to help children not become victims of bullies is by teaching them bully-proofing skills 

  • In recent years, a series of bullying-related suicides in the US and across the globe have drawn attention to the connection between bullying and suicide
 Procedural Knowledge
Procedural knowledge is taking what you know on bullying and doing something about bullying.

Procedural Knowledge of Bullying
  • If you know someone who is being bullied report it.

  • There are laws now that are being put into place to stop bullying.

  •  Educate yourself on how to recognize the signs of bullying and what you can do to prevent kids from being bullied. Learn to tell the difference between bullying and harmless childhood play.

  • Help educate others on bullying by talking to the people in your community who have the power to put an end to bullying
Educating people through our blog
How we would brake this concept up to teach others by our blog is we would divide it up into four different topics.
  1. Knowing what bullying is

    2. The cause of why it happens

    3.The effects bullying has on the person getting bullied.

   4. Ways to help stop bullying

Educating the world

As a service learning project we were thinking of a number of different option we could take part in.
First would be educating educators on types of bullying that can be seen in class rooms, as well as how to handle these situations. We like the of educating educators because with the new law passed in Massachusetts, teachers now have a much higher responsibility to notice and report bullying in their class room and their school.

The second option we have would be education students on the effects of bullying. This is something that is done all the time all over the world. By educating the students on bullying we are able to first hand show the students how what they say or do can affect other students. At the same time we will be promoting anti bullying ways by telling the stories of those student who can tell their stories any longer.

As a way of getting involved with the Anti bullying foundations, I have become a part and donated to the Meghan Meier foundation at http://meganmeierfoundation.cwsit.org/megansStory.php.  This is a non profit organization in the name of Meghan Meier (see first post), all donations go towards bullying preventions.


How I took a stand against bulling and got involved in the problem is that I signed a petition to stop bullying @http://www.experienceproject.com/petitions/Stop-School-Bullying/1548677014. After you sign the petition you write about why you think bullying needs to end and you can share a story of someone you know who has been a victim of bullying.
   ---  Erin

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